Polymer Concrete: Description, Characteristics, Application Areas

Polymer concrete is a high-strength composite with excellent operational and decorative properties. It includes sand and gravel, with polymer resins used as the binder. This makes it a stronger and more reliable alternative to regular concrete. The composite is used in construction and related fields, including creating sculptural compositions, furniture, and often for making memorial monuments.


The following components are used to produce polymer concrete:

  • Binder: Epoxy, polyester, and other resins.
  • Gravel: Particle size up to 4 cm is allowed, but typically grains up to 2 cm dominate.
  • Quartz sand: Grains up to 0.5 cm are permissible. The presence of foreign, especially clay inclusions, is unacceptable.
  • Graphite powder: Particle size should not exceed 0.15 mm.
  • Construction gypsum: Included only when using urea-formaldehyde resin as the binder.

Depending on the final goals and functions of the finished polymer concrete product, additives with various properties, such as antiseptics and components that increase volume or thermal insulation characteristics, are included.


By the degree of filler concentration (up to 80%), polymer concrete is divided into:

  • Extra heavy (weight per cubic meter: 2.5-4 tons)
  • Heavy (1.8-2.5 tons per cubic meter)
  • Light (0.5-1.8 tons per cubic meter)
  • Lightweight (up to 0.5 tons per cubic meter)

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations, aggressive substances
  • Repairability of damaged areas with special restoration compounds
  • High mechanical strength
  • Relatively low weight
  • Smooth surface without pores
  • Recyclability


  • Flammability (susceptibility to open flames)
  • High cost compared to traditional concrete


Polymer concrete is primarily used in construction and related fields:

  • Countertops: Practical, hygienic, and durable, resembling natural minerals but with higher mechanical strength.
  • Floor coverings: Flexible, impact-resistant, and long-lasting even with a thin layer (0.2 cm).
  • Decor: Visually similar to natural minerals, used for facade elements.
  • Monuments, fences: Popular for making memorial monuments and fences due to environmental resistance.

Other common uses include:

  • Windowsills
  • Railings
  • Columns
  • Fireplace elements
  • Balusters, etc.

Technical Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Density Up to 4,000 kg/m³
Compressive strength Up to 110 MPa
Abrasion 0.02-0.03 g/cm²
Temperature fluctuations Up to 140°C
Thermal conductivity 0.05-0.85 W/m*K
Elasticity 10-40 thousand MPa
Water absorption 0.05-0.5%
Freeze-thaw cycles Up to 500 cycles

Thus, polymer concrete is a durable, reliable, and strong material.

Manufacturing Features

The technology is extremely simple and can even be implemented at home.

Steps to manufacture polymer concrete:

  1. Prepare components.
  2. Mix them.
  3. Pour the mixture.


  • Wash and dry the filler (gravel).
  • Sieve quartz sand.
  • Prepare the resin.

Manufacturing Sequence:

  1. Mix gravel, sand, and filler with gradual liquid addition.
  2. Soften the binder with a solvent.
  3. Add necessary active substances to the binder.
  4. Add a plasticizer to the resin.
  5. Mix the binder and filler.
  6. Add the hardener.
  7. Perform the final mixing.

In industrial conditions, large mixing installations and mixers are used.

A noteworthy aspect of the technology is the rapid setting of the polymer concrete mixture. All manufacturing steps should be performed very quickly. The mixture should be poured into pre-prepared molds immediately after the final mixing and hardener addition. This process is called casting.

Casting Nuances:

  • Prepared molds should be greased with oil or technical petroleum jelly to prevent the mixture from sticking to the mold walls.
  • The surface should be leveled and further compacted using a vibrating platform.
  • Complete polymerization of the composite takes one day from the moment of pouring.

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